Revive Church - Talladega

Revive Church





Here at Revive Church, we exist to help you thrive. It is our hope that you will be encouraged, refreshed, and challenged to impact others. We believe that God is calling us to reach Talladega: a city rich in history and diversity. We are here to bring hope to people, families, and our community--we are here to see Talladega revived by the Gospel. We’re here to Experience GodCelebrate Life, and Love People.

Service Times:

Sunday Service

Sundays @ 11:00 am

(Can Attend In-Person Or Via Our Live Stream On Facebook)

Celebrate Recovery

Wednesdays @ 6:30pm

(Can Attend In-Person Only)


Revive Church





Here at Revive Church, we exist to help you thrive. It is our hope that you will be encouraged, refreshed, and challenged to impact others. We believe that God is calling us to reach Talladega: a city rich in history and diversity. We are here to bring hope to people, families, and our community--we are here to see Talladega revived by the Gospel. We’re here to Experience GodCelebrate Life, and Love People.

Service Times:

Sunday Service

Sundays @ 11:00 am

(Can Attend In-Person Or Via Our Live Stream On Facebook)

Celebrate Recovery

Wednesdays @ 6:30pm

(Can Attend In-Person Only)

What to Expect

At Revive, our Sunday service is an opportunity for you to connect with God as well as other believers in a casual, inviting atmosphere. Our services include:

  • Contemporary Worship

  • A Relevant Message

  • A Time Of Ministry And Prayer

  • Children's Ministry: Birth Through Sixth Grade

When entering Revive, you can expect to be welcomed by our team of greeters. There will be coffee and water provided. When service starts, the praise team will lead worship, there will be some announcements, and then it's time for the message! Make sure you stop by the connection table on your way out of the sanctuary to talk with one of our team members and get to know more about us. We hope to see you soon!


Our Vision

Revive is a dynamic and vibrant church making an impact in people’s lives and our communities through our love for Jesus! We are dedicated to delivering timeless truths based on God’s Word, while ushering people into His presence through inspired praise and worship. At Revive Church, we seek to unify the body of Christ by embracing diversity. No matter our history, circumstances, or goals; we are all human and we all need love and acceptance! This is why the church exists—and why you belong!

At Revive Church, we seek to unify the body of Christ by embracing diversity just as Jesus did.

This is a place to belong! We exist to help you exist. It is our priority to make you feel welcome, comfortable, and loved. But it is our mission to show you who Jesus is and truly encounter God.

Services at Revive Church are all about Jesus! No matter what stage of life you find yourself in, there is something here for you! From toddlers to grandparents this is a safe place for those you love to grow in the Lord.

The goal of each Celebration service is to walk out feeling refreshed, touched, and filled with a new confidence that can only come from an experience with God!

At Revive Church, we celebrate through worship and building relationships!

We believe that worship is important! When we come to know Christ, we find that we want to give Jesus our praise! This is not out of obligation but out of thanksgiving!

The building of relationships is what happens when believers gather in one place! We expect hearts to be healed and hope to be restored!

Life means you are moving and growing! Growing as a Christian, is becoming a disciple. Discipleship comes in many forms.

At Revive Church, people are our ministry! And we love people through our ministry!

Jesus said, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength, and love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 22:34)

At Revive Church, we believe that loving people is serving people! Once you love God and love others, you will want to use your gifts and talents for God. This includes carrying hope and the message of Christ to our neighbors and those overseas.



Chase Lackey (Wife Amy)

Church Administrator
Michael Hackney

Worship Leader
Kristin Hackney

Celebrate Recovery Director
BoDèn DeLauri

Audio Visual Director
Jamie Rhodes



Find out how to make your way to our Talladega, Alabama campus. We’re just a short drive away from Talladega, Winterboro, Sylacauga, Lincoln, Munford, Childersburg, Pell City, and Oxford.



March 2025


Do you want to know more? We’d love to hear from you!